- CYS Sports Activity Locations
Aberdeen Youth Center
Bldg. 2522, Bayside Drive
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005Programs : Basketball, Start Smart, Indoor Soccer, Speed & Agility
Fanshaw Turf Field
(behind APG Athletic Center, Bldg. 3300)
Intersection: Frankford St. & Rodman Rd.
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005Programs: Soccer, Flag Football, Speed & Agility , Start Smart
Ruggles Golf Course
5600 Ruggles Road
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005Program: Jr. Golf
Aberdeen High School
251 Paradise Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001Program: Youth Tennis
Aberdeen Boys & Girls Club
100 E Bel Air Avenue
Aberdeen, MD 21001Program: Tee Ball
- Youth Sports FAQ
Is there a Coach's Certification program at APG?
Yes! The Army mandates that all volunteer coaches attend training and receive their coach's certification credentials in order to coach. This program applies to all head coaches and assistant coaches. At this time Youth Services uses the National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) for its certification program. All volunteer coaches also submit to a background screening for prior instances of reported misconduct involving children, assault behavior, substance abuse, and larceny misconduct.
What is the policy for sports physicals?
Youth participants must provide a medical statement by a licensed health care professional that certifies the individual is physically fit to participate in the chose sport(s) and addresses any pertinent medical condition(s)/constraint(s). The medical statement must be current at the time of actual registration and remain valid through the completion of the chosen sport. These requirements are a condition of participation and no child/youth will be authorized to play (practice or participate in games) until a valid physical is furnished.
Why does my child get put on an "interest/waiting" list?
All youth who register with the Youth Services Sports program during the registration dates will be assured a place in that program. Youth who register after this time frame will be placed on a space-available basis. As openings occur on teams, Youth Services will fill those openings from the "interest/waiting" list. Youth who register late for Sports and Fitness programs due to PCS moves to the APG community (must provide a copy of PCS orders) will be given priority on any "interest/waiting" list and will be the first called on a program when an opening occurs.
How are the teams put together?
Ages 4-8 yrs old will be arbitrarily placed on teams regardless of ability. Requests for children to play on the same team with other children (friends, carpooling, etc.) must be in writing to be given consideration. The request for placement must be done prior to the parent/coaches meeting. Once the parent/coaches meeting takes place, changes of rosters will be on a space-available basis. Ages 9-15 yrs old will be evaluated and placed on a team through a player evaluation plan. It is strongly recommended that all players show up for the evaluation process to ensure all teams are as competitively equal as possible.
Are players authorized to play in different groups?
Yes, but they must be evaluated by the higher age group coaches that they wish to play in. They must also appear at their normal age group evaluations, so that all coaches have the opportunity to evaluate the child. After evaluation, all coaches must agree that the child is capable of playing at the higher level. Children may not play down in age groups.
Does the CYS Sports and Fitness Program provide uniforms?
Parents or coaches will sign a hand receipt for all uniforms issued to youth participants. They are assuming direct responsibility for the items on the hand receipt. The hand receipt signer will pay for any uniform/equipment signed for that is lost, stolen or thrown way.
The Youth Sports and Fitness program provides activities for children 2-1/2 to 18 years of age to encourage life-long, healthy habits.
Volunteer coaches needed! Team Sports are only available with the participation of volunteer coaches and assistants. All coaches are trained and certified by the National Alliance of Youth Sports (NAYS).
Registration is done through the Central Registration/Parent Outreach Office. Please complete the forms in the packet below prior to your visit, and bring them with you.
CYS Sports: Year-At-A-Glance Chart
CYS Sports Registration Packet
Sports physicals are required in order to participate!
Note: CDCs are closed for Federal Holidays, two CYS training days, Garrison Organization Day and all designated garrison post closures.