An official army family and MWR Site

Hunting & Fishing

APG Hunting Regulation: APGR 200-6

Firearm Registration Form - Send completed form to for processing.

APG’s NEW Hunting web location: iSportsman*:
*NOTE: You cannot use a government computer to access iSportsman!

iSportsman: How-To Guide:

IMPORTANT: APG's Hunting Program has now been relocated to DPW. Please see the new contact information for this program below:

POCs for Support:

Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division
Bldg. 4303, 3rd Floor, Wing B
6504 Rodman Road

Contact info:
Natural Resources Team
Phone: 410-278-9774 (leave message, in field often)

Visitor's Control Center: 410-278-2330
Police Desk Dispatch:
      410-306-2222 (Aberdeen Area)
      410-436-2222 (Edgewood Area)

Qualifications: Wed, 4-6 p.m. & Fri, 11 a.m. -1 p.m. (weather permitting)

FAQs for iSportsman
  • You cannot use a government computer to access the iSportsman website.

  • Everyone (including youth) must have an account on iSportsman. All hunters should register and acquire their own permits through the system.  Hunters-in-Charge (HIC) should not acquire Companion Hunting Permits for non-HICs.  Youth hunters should register through the system as well.  Parents/Adults planning to hunt with a youth hunter will not be able to acquire a youth permit through their own account. 

  • After you pass the UXO safety quiz, you should see a button that says “continue to permits”.  When you click on that button, the Available Permits page should open.  You should be able to see 2 permits:  2021 HIC Hunting Permit and 2021 Companion Hunting Permit. 

  • Alternatively, click on the down arrow next to "My Account" on the blue banner line.  Select "Home" and you should be taken to a page with an "Acquire Permit(s)" button at the top-left.  NOTE: The website tends to freeze if you click through options in quick succession. Clicking the back arrow in the browser seems to help. 

  • Several individuals who have registered have no license plate number listed. If users indicate they will be bringing a vehicle onto the installation, they must enter a license plate number or the system will not allow them to purchase a permit.

  • The HIC reserves an area in system. Reservation Times are 4 p.m. the night prior to 6 a.m. the Hunting Day.

  • The day of the Hunt, the HIC and the party must check into the area the HIC reserved through the system. This does not take away from signing in and out at the Hunting Shack. Following the Hunt, each member of the party must also check out.

  • Currently, interactive maps are not working.

Fishing at APG

APG’s NEW Fishing web location: iSportsman* *NOTE: You cannot use a government computer to access iSportsman!

iSportsman How-To Guide (pdf)

IMPORTANT: APG's Fishing Program has now been relocated to DPW. MWR is no longer issuing fishing permits. Please see the new contact information for this program below:

POCs for Support:

Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division Bldg. 4303, 3rd Floor, Wing B 6504 Rodman Road, APG North

Contact Info:

Natural Resources Team Phone: 410-278-9774 (leave message, in field often) Email:

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