Virtual Workshop: Healthy Relationships and Finance

Mar 27 2025, 12 pm - 1 pm
Mar 27 2025, 12 pm - 1 pm
Location: via Microsoft Teams
Cost: Free
Money can be a large stressor in relationships, this seminar will focus on strategies that will help couples and families manage their finances while maintaining a strong healthy bond. We will address various aspects of relationships concerning money and finances such as:
- Exploring the Impact of Finances On Couples and Families
- Communicating With Your Partner About Finances
- Resolving Conflicts
- Setting and Achieving Goals Together
- Building Long-term Wealth
Please sign-in using the MS Teams link below, at least 5 minutes prior to the start time.
Registration is not required. If you are not already an MS Teams member, you will need to download Microsoft Teams (MT) and join from a browser.
Information: Financial Readiness Program Manager: 410-278-2453